Lawn & Garden

Top 3 Gardening Tips for Summer

While at this year's Bord Bia Bloom festival, we caught up with our Turner's Cross Horticulturist, Trevor. Trevor was keen to share his top 3 gardening tips for maintaining a beautiful garden throughout the summer months.

Trevor's Top 3 Gardening Tips for Summer

Trevor's top tips for summer include:

  1. Watering
  2. Feeding
  3. Deadheading

Read on below for more details and advice for each of his top tips.

Watering Your Garden

The first gardening tip Trevor gave us is that it's absolutely imperative to water your garden. Ensure you water the soil and not the plants. Watering the plants can cause the 'umbrella' effect. This is when water runs off the side and doesn't reach the soil, where it's needed most! This will keep your plants and pots well hydrated in periods of dry weather.

Watering the soil of a plant for a beautiful garden in summer.

Feeding Your Plants

Plants and flowers love potassium, and potassium produces fruit in flowers. Trevor recommends picking up a good tomato feed, along with a granular feed, and adding them into your feed mixture to get great flowers throughout the summer.

Deadheading Your Perennials

Deadhead your herbaceous perennials when the flower starts to look tired and wilted. Make sure to snip it off using a secateurs or sharp scissors. This will encourage the flower to send up new blooms and keep your garden looking beautiful until the end of summer!

A person using a secateurs to deadhead plants in their garden this summer.

Top 3 Gardening Tips for Summer Video

You can watch the full video below for our Top 3 Gardening Tips for Summer! Get everything you need in our lawn and garden section here!