Best Plants for Shaded Locations

Shade is the blocking of natural light to our beds or borders; tall trees, high buildings or the natural
path of the sun all help to create those ‘dark corners’ which every garden knows. It is important to
consider how much light a bed or a border will receive before picking out plants. Different plants have
different tolerance levels to the number of hours of light.
A shady area requires more consideration when choosing plants but should not stand in the way of you achieving your dream garden. Keep reading to find out exactly what to plant in those shady aread that will bring colour, interest and life into your garden.
Types Of Shade
Your garden may be exposed to some light, no light or anywhere in between. It's important to know the types of shade in order to plant something that will thrive in that area. Whatever the level of shade you have, there's something you can plant in every part of the garden.
Light Shade
An open area that is screened from direct unlight from obstacles like tree’s/walls
Semi Shade
An area that received between 3 to 6 hours of sunlight throughout the middle of the summer. Essentially, half sun/half shade.
Moderate Shade
An area that receives between 2 to 3 hours of sunlight throughout the middle of the summer.
Heavy Shade
An area that receives less than 2 hours of lightper day
Best Plants for Shaded Areas
When choosing the right plant for your area, it's important to consider its size, colour and texture. Too many dark greens can make the area look gloomy, make sure to brighten it up with some colour. Add a variety of textures to bring interest and create a wow-factor.
Shrubs | Size |
Aucuba Jap | Medium to large |
Fatsia Jap | Medium to large |
Hydrangea | Medium to large |
Euonymus | Small to medium |
Pieris | Small to medium |
Berberis | Small to medium |
Conteaster | Ground cover |
Vinca | Ground cover |
Gaultheria | Ground cover |

Perennials | Size |
Iris | Medium to large |
Astilbe | Medium to large |
Foxglove | Medium to large |
Stachys | Small to medium |
Pulmonaria | Small to medium |
Hosta | Small to medium |
Ajuga | Ground cover |
Bergenia | Ground cover |
Ophiopogon | Ground cover |

Bedding | Season |
Alyssum | Summer |
Begonia | Summer |
Calendula | Summer |
Fushia | Summer |
Impatiens | Summer |
Lobelia | Summer |
Nicotiana | Summer |
Pansy | Winter |
Snapdragon | Summer |

Ready to start planting? Find everything you need here or pop into your local garden centre today!