June Gardening Jobs

By June the garden is in full swing. Higher temperatures and longer days encourage garden plants to put on an extra burst of growth requiring vigilance in many areas particularly weed control. Frost is less likely to be a problem in most gardens, so it is now safe to plant out all those tender plants and crops raised in pots indoors.
The following are the priority jobs for this month:
- Regularly hoe weeds between vegetable rows and borders.

- Continue to earth up potatoes that are not yet ready for harvesting.
- Feed hanging baskets and planted containers throughout the coming weeks with a liquid feed to make sure they stay healthy and continue to bloom.

- Plant out summer bedding and position summer hanging baskets and containers outside.
- As the days get warmer, the soil gets drier. Make sure to water your plants regularly, especially through prolong periods of drought.

- Regularly deadhead all summer bedding plants to help promote repeat flowering.
- Apply a lawn fertiliser this month to encourage a rich green colour to last right through the summer months.
- Feed tomato and cucumber plants weekly with tomato liquid feed for maximum growth and flavour.

- You will notice some spring perennials finishing to flower. Cut these back to make sure they spring back to life.
- Lightly prune late spring or early summer shrubs like Weigela or Deutzia.
- June offers the last chance to prune back any evergreen hedges, it’s also a perfect time to lightly clip any Buxus topiary plants to support them keeping there shape.
- Spray rose plants regularly with rose clear to ensure they remain there healthiest throughout the summer. Dead head any faded flowers to promote repeat flowering over the coming months.

- Regularly check seedlings, young new growth, and bedding plants for any signs of snails and slugs especially in warm damp weather.
Remember: It is not too late to sow and plant many edibles and ornamentals in the garden!
Find everything you need to get you started here! Drop into one of our garden centres and talk to our horticulturists for further advice and tips, or read more on Woodie's Community.