For preparing surfaces prior to repainting, leaving them chemically clean so that a fresh coat of paint will adhere readily.Outside it removes dirt, weathered grime, old spilled paint from masonry, facing slabs and stonework and even lifts moss from flagstones.Cleans garage floors and driveways, strips wallpaper and varnish, washes out paintbrushes and many other cleaning jobs.Is the fast and easy way to a better paint finish.
- The Original & Best
- Wipes away grease, grime & nicotine
- highly effective cleaner
- ideal for preparing surfaces for repainting
- The fast & easy way to a better paint finish
- powerful cleaning action
Mix | dissolve the contents of this pack in 10 litres of warm water. |
Suitable for | General cleaning and stain removal |
Use on | All surfaces |
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