• 4 - 8 Week lead time

MCD Eco Pent Wooden Shed 8ft x 8ft

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Home Delivery

Available for Home Delivery.

Delivery Information

Product Code: 1196599

The perfect shed for any garden, it displays superb strength and build quality, and comes with a 10-Year Anti-Rot Guarantee. Available nationwide, price includes delivery and installation (free delivery applies within 30km of a Woodie's store). Prior to installation, you will need to provide a level site and base for the shed. You'll also need to provide clear access to the site (i.e. straight run with 8ft height clearance). After your order is placed, an MCD garden sheds staff member will contact you to confirm your order details, a fitting date, and ask if any optional extras are required. Please note: Delivery times vary from season to season.


  • Built-To-last quality from MCD Garden Sheds
  • Fully pressure treated timber throughout
  • 10 Year Anti-Rot Guarantee
  • Long-lasting galvanised metal roof
  • Internal breathable membrane as standard
  • Hot-dipped galvanised nails and hardware throughout
  • Toughened acrylic windows for safety
  • Strong, interlocking 22mm T&G floorboards
  • Free nationwide delivery and installation (free delivery applies within 30km of a Woodie's store)
Size (W X D)2.37m X 2.45m
Overall Size incl. Roof Overhang (W X D)2.41m X 2.61m
Height2.15m down to 1.85m shed ridge at the the front, down to wall height at the the back
Roof FinishSlate grey, box profile, metal sheeting
Exterior Cladding16mm X 125mm pressure treated shiplap
Framework38 X 50 pressure treated framing
Floorboards22 X 150 pressure treated T&G boards
Internal MembraneAll roof and wall panels are fully lined
HardwareHot-dipped galvanised padbolt and tee hinges
Window (H X W)Clear Acrylic (63cm X 58cm) - Qty x1
Door Opening Size (H X W)170cm X 76cm
ColoursSlate grey steel roof, natural finish timber, galvanised grey hardware, white and black membrane
DeliveryIncluded (within 30km of a Woodie's store)
Professional AssemblyIncluded

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